How Pelvic Physical Therapy Alleviates Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

One common pain point that many pregnant mamas experience is round ligament pain. This discomfort, characterized by sharp, shooting pains in the lower abdomen or pelvic region, can be challenging to manage. In this blog post, we'll explore how physical therapy can provide relief and support to mothers grappling with round ligament pain during pregnancy.

Understanding Round Ligament Pain:

The round ligaments are a pair of ligaments that support the uterus in the pelvis. As the uterus expands during pregnancy, these ligaments stretch to accommodate the growing baby. This stretching and the increased pressure on the ligaments can result in round ligament pain, typically felt on one or both sides of the lower abdomen. The pain is often sharp and sudden, occurring during movements such as rolling over in bed, standing up, or sneezing.

Here is a model of a pelvis, the uterus, and the round ligaments (the green bands). The round ligaments attach to the bones of the pelvis and go up to the sides of the uterus. As the uterus grows in pregnancy, the round ligaments stretch.

How Physical Therapy Can Help:

  1. Education and Awareness:

    • Physical therapists specializing in women's health can provide valuable education about the anatomy of the round ligaments and how their function changes during pregnancy.

    • Understanding body mechanics and learning techniques to move and position oneself without exacerbating round ligament pain is crucial.

  2. Gentle Stretching and Strengthening Exercises:

    • Physical therapists can design a customized exercise program that includes gentle stretches to alleviate tension in the round ligaments.

    • Strengthening exercises for the pelvic floor and core muscles can provide additional support to the uterus and reduce strain on the ligaments.

    • Watch a video on some suggestions HERE!

  3. Pelvic Floor Relaxation Techniques:

    • Pelvic floor physical therapy can incorporate relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension in the pelvic region, offering relief from round ligament pain.

    • Breathing exercises and manual therapy can contribute to overall pelvic floor relaxation.

  4. Postural Awareness:

    • Maintaining proper posture is crucial during pregnancy to alleviate strain on the round ligaments.

    • Physical therapists can provide guidance on optimal body alignment and suggest modifications for daily activities to reduce the risk of round ligament pain.

  5. Manual Therapy:

    • Hands-on techniques, such as myofascial release and gentle massage, can help release tension in the muscles surrounding the round ligaments.

    • Manual therapy sessions with a physical therapist can offer immediate relief and contribute to long-term management of round ligament pain.

  6. Supportive Devices and Tools:

    • Physical therapists may recommend the use of support belts or braces to provide additional support to the abdomen and alleviate strain on the round ligaments during activities.

How our Pregnancy Program can help!

At Awake Pelvic Health & Wellness, we help pregnant mamas throughout their entire pregnancy journey, from early pregnancy to birth prep, to your last few weeks. During your sessions we focus on trimester specific hands-on body work, mobility exercises, and strengthening movements. In your third trimester we curate a birth prep session individualized to you to give you and your partner tools and strategies for comfort measures during your labor and delivery.

Questions about how we can help you during your pregnancy? Ready to get started? Let’s chat!


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