Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy for Painful Periods

Pelvic floor physical therapy can be one of your BEST options to help with painful periods. Did you know that, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, over half of individuals that have periods, have painful periods (also known as “dysmenorrhea”) 1-2 days every month.

Painful periods are so common, but you don’t have to suffer! You deserve to be able to work, go to school, exercise, and live your life without pain.

Let’s start with understanding the cause of painful periods. There is primary and secondary dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Primary dysmenorrhea starts just before or after bleeding begins. Secondary dysmenorrhea is linked to another conditions, such as fibroids or endometriosis.

Medical Treatment for Painful Periods

When working with general physician or gynecologist, they may perform a pelvic exam and/or other assessments to rule out other contributing factors or conditions. This may include having an ultrasound or laparoscopic procedure. They may suggest the use of NSAIDS (like ibuprofen), birth control, or other options to help with pain.

Pelvic Floor Physical for Painful Periods

Our physical therapists at Awake Pelvic Health & Wellness are specialty trained to help women who are struggling with painful periods. We take a whole body approach that involves integrating movement, manual therapies, modalities, and helping you create a toolbox of strategies that you can use at home.

  • Movement-based approaches: studies have shown that aerobic activity, yoga-based movement, and core exericses can be helpful for reducing painful periods. Specific yoga poses that can be helpful include cat/cow, fish pose, cobra pose, and legs up the wall. At Awake, your physical therapist will guide you through exercise specific to your needs and help you create a program.

  • Manual Therapy: Soft-tissue mobilization, such as cupping therapy to your abdomen, back, and hips, skin rolling therapy, and other manual massage techniques around your pelvis and abdomen can help calm the pain sensors in your tissues. Specific abdominal massage techniques can help relax soft tissue restrictions that contribute to bloating or cramping.

  • Modalities: One modality we often suggest women use during their period is a TENS unit. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is a simple unit that you can apply to your back, abdomen, or sacrum to help with pain. In fact, it may be just as effective as medication to help with pain.

Struggling with painful periods? Give us a call and speak to a member of our team to schedule your appointment today!


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